
Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Clinton Super PAC Fires Back at Trump For Barking Ad

Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC shot back at Donald Trump just one day after he released an ad attacking her foreign policy chops.

Trump’s ad begins with the words, “When it comes to facing our toughest opponents,” and then shows threatening clips, including one of Vladimir Putin doing martial arts. The video then mocks Clinton and shows a clip of her barking like a dog, and cuts back to Putin laughing.

Clinton’s ad skewers Trump by using the exact same premise and video clips, but instead of the barking clip, it shows one of Trump saying “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain” when asked who he would consult on foreign policy. In this ad, it’s Clinton who is laughing.

The quick back and forth between the two party frontrunners shows how both of them are already beginning to pivot to the general election, making each other the primary targets of online attacks.

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